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Frequently Asked Questions


How long should I let the ice cream sit out?

Everyone has their preferences, but we recommend you let it sit out at least 15 minutes from the freezer (or 10 min for new lactose free flavors). Some prefer longer to make it extra soft and creamy. You can also try briefly microwaving the pint upside down or even defrosting at a lower temperature, but make sure you completely remove foil seal first.

This has no sugar in it. We could have cut down on wait times by adding more carbs, but we didn't feel it was worth it. Dry ice is -109°F, so you may need to wait 30-40 minutes from the package.

How do you calculate net carbs?

Since we use fibers and sugar alcohols that are indigestible by the human body and don't raise blood sugar or insulin, they can be subtracted from total carbohydrates. "Net carbs" calculate the "net impact" of the carbohydrates. 

Also, the numbers on the nutritional label are rounded, which means there is a wide range for what the number of net carbs really are, especially when you're counting multiple servings. For example, 4g of Fiber on a nutrition label could be anywhere between 3.5g and 4.4g. Or 7g of Sugar Alcohols on a label could be anywhere between 6.5g and 7.4g. Or 10g of Carbs could be between 9.5g and 10.4g. Depending on how the various numbers round up or down, there is wide variability. Unfortunately, Nutrition Labels are unreliable

Rather than making everyone believe almost every pint of ours is only 4g net carbs per pint, we are sharing the more accurate, precise number of net carbs using decimals. For example, if you were to calculate the net carbs for Cookie Dough from the rounded nutritionals on the label, you are led to believe it is only 1g net carb per serving and therefore 4g per pint. However, we know it is actually 1.5g, which makes it 6.1g (or around 6g) per pint. We want to be fully transparent and will always show what the net carbs are to the decimal on our website for each flavor. We will be adding the decimals below the nutrition labels on future packaging.

For ingredients, nutrition facts, and exact carb counts for all flavors, see here.

Why are the net carbs per pint different for the same flavor?

We recently made a subtle change which reduced net carbs by about 0.25 per serving or 1 per pint. Both numbers are correct, but the flavor with more net carbs is an older recipe. Both will taste the same!

Is the ice cream sugar-free? Lactose free? Gluten free?

Most flavors have less than 0.5g of sugar per serving and are therefore sugar-free. All flavors are now lactose free. We do not use any milk, and the trace amounts of lactose from the heavy cream are broken down via a lactase enzyme. 

All flavors are gluten free but not gluten free certified. All equipment is thoroughly cleansed before and after any runs but we do not test for gluten cross-contamination.

Trans fats?

All ice cream has small amounts of trans fats. There are two types of trans fats: natural and artificial. Small amounts of trans fats occur naturally in some meat and dairy products, including beef, lamb, chicken and butterfat. The trans fats here are coming ALL from the heavy cream, naturally. There is absolutely nothing wrong with natural trans fats (just 1.5g in an entire pint!) in animal foods. The artificial trans fats we all avoid are from heavily processed seed oils, which we do not use at all.


What are the shipping costs? What are cases?

Shipping is 13.99 for orders <$50, 7.99 for orders >$50, 3.99 for orders >$75, free for orders >$100. The greatest value is when buying at least 16 pints. We are not happy with the shipping costs and case restrictions. We will focus our resources on grocery distribution, where prices will be lower and flexibility/convenience will be greater.
Cases are 8 pints of a single flavor.

Pricing per pint

(shipping included)

6 pints  8.82
8 pints 7.49
12 pints 6.82
16 pints 6.49


When will my order ship?

It depends on what day of the week and time you placed the order and how far you are from the warehouse. Please see our Shipping Page for more information.

How do you ship?

We pack the ice cream in coolers with enough dry ice so that it stays frozen. Shipping times depend on when the order is placed and your distance from the warehouse. See our shipping page for more information. Orders are usually shipped within 3-5 business days, and you will receive a notification.


Do you ship to Canada?

Unfortunately, Canadian law requires that we use Canadian eggs and cream, which is very expensive due to laws that protect Canadian dairy farmers. This would also make Rebel Ice Cream very expensive, because it is mostly cream. We would also need new packaging, new sources for key ingredients, and new manufacturers. We cannot just export the product we've already invested a lot of money into. We hope to enter the Canadian market in the future, but the cost, complexity, and risk is too great at the moment. It is still unclear how the recent NAFTA renegotiations impact current conditions. 


What is the Shelf Life?

The Julian production date is stamped on the bottom, and it's 2+ years from production, depending on storage temperatures. 

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